Looking back at the years back when I was in SMI, really brings back lots of great memories. I was under the watch of one of the greatest principal ever known, Mr. Louis Rozario Doss. This is the place where I grew up. A place where I've gained knowledge, made great friends whom I still hang out with today, and also learned many things about life. Of course, like any teenager, I was rebellious to certain teachers, certain authority figure and so on. I do have friends and also enemies, we do have dramas, but these are moments and the memories that is hard to forget and is to cherish; as these are the time when we discover new things about this world and who we really are.
Another great person I would not forget is, the teacher advisor for the Board of Student Librarians, Mrs. Tan Kah Chuan. Although she's strict, she's the one that taught many of us to be leaders, the one that explained the 7th habits of successful people and she's the one who helped some of the troubled minded students, especially the librarians under her care.
The Michaelian Chinese Orchestra is also another part of my SMI life. There's were I learn the meaning of teamwork and cooperating. And it is the time I, together with the rest of the members, made the schoolproud as the only English school in Ipoh to have a Chinese Orchestra. It is where I learn being a teacher isn't easy, AT ALL.
A lot of other things happened back then. The dramas, the arguments, the happy moments, the sad times, the time I got punished for having long hair, the time when I skipped class and lepak at the library, the times when we scout for pretty girls when new form 6 girls step in the school, the time when we sit in food court after school hours the whole day, the time when we do pranks on people, the time when we rebel certain teachers etc; will never be written in just few pages. The tears and joy I had, the people I met and the friends I lost; are all memories I will cherish for the rest of my life, and making me lift my head high while proudly saying "I'm a Michaelian. Once a Michaelian, Always a Michaelian"
Lee Kok Meng
Michaelian Batch 2005
***send your piece of writing to our e-mail at smi_oldboys@yahoo.com
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